Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Good Day to Start to Blog

I've never been a "blogger", or even kept a journal.  Doing anything on a regular basis can be hard for me to commit to.  But here's to trying something new.  I've been doing that a lot this year.  Trying something new, that is.  Like being a wife.  That's different. Jeremy and I got married May 1.  All my adult life I've only ever had to worry about me.  I enjoy "taking care of" someone else although I find I like being taken care of just as much.  Jeremy is really good at that.  I feel really lucky to have him.  As for taking care of someone else, I guess I better get used to spending even more time doing that.  We found out in July that we are expecting a baby.  Baby Fisher is due to make an appearance on March 16th 2011.  So before I have been a wife for a year, I will also be a mother. Sometimes its a little overwelming to even think about.  Exciting and wonderful, but overwelming. 

So far being pregnant has felt a little bit like a nonevent.  By this I just mean that it hasn't really affected my everyday life.  I was really not sick in the first trimester. Tired.  That was my main symptom.  I felt like I could have slept for a month.  Now that I am 23 weeks along, I feel really good.  And maybe because I was already overweight, I don't really think I "look" pregnant.  Now my main symptom is pregnancy induced carpal tunnel syndrome.  My hands vary from tingly (like they fell asleep and are waking up) to painful.  The doctors say this will go away after the baby is born. 

In case you are wondering if its a boy or a girl.  We don't know.  We expect we will find out sometime in March.  This is driving my mom crazy.  (She hasn't actually told me that, but I know it is true)  The baby was not in a position where they could tell at our 20 week ultrasound.  We get to have another one at the end of November, but we are kind of enjoying the idea of a surprise. 

I guess that is all for now.